nexus landscape logo

Nexus purpose is to provide quality services and to help people find a connection within the community by empowering them to achieve their aspirations.

Our Values

Our Strategic Goals:

  • We strive to ensure our customers are number 1.
  • We make sure we are financially and environmentally sustainable.
  • We focus on innovation and growth opportunities.
  • We encourage our team to be the best they can.

Our Team

We embrace a customer service mindset and our service expectations are below:

"At Nexus we believe that any member of our community has the right to appropriate professional employment services."

Lisa McPherson-Sturt
Chief Executive Officer

“Rewarding and challenging career with an exciting team working together.”

Priya Kumar
HR/Finance Manager

“Working for Nexus gives me a chance to help change people’s lives. I have the great privilege of working with the community and Canberra businesses."

Adrian Sturt
Manager Performance and Program Operations

“It’s so rewarding working for Nexus, staff are always working together as a team to support the people in our community and give them the best result.”

Nish Dissanayake
Operations Manager
  • Be understanding of each customer’s circumstance
    and tailor the experience to meet their unique
    needs and demands.
  • No matter how challenging the customer contact
    may seem, remain upbeat and cordial.
  • Offer personalised experiences.
  • Stay positive and friendly during customer
  • Are well presented in our appearance and use of
    language and communication.
  • We hear and understand our customers.
  • We listen to our complaints and learn for them.
  • We embrace a continuous improvement culture.
  • We protect our customers privacy and data.
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