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We provide recruitment services for hiring people living with disabilities.

Specialised recruitment solutions for your business

Nexus offers a wide range of recruitment services for employers at no cost. We support both the individual and the employer in the process of implementing a specific employment solution.

  • Social Recruiting
  • Screening & Selection
  • Job Matching
  • Advertising & Promotion
  • Job Analysis
  • Workplace Adjustments
  • Job Design
  • Tailored Training
  • Subsidy Funds
  • HR Advice
  • On-Boarding
  • Job Support

Why Choose Nexus?

  • Recruitment Agencies in Canberra, NSW and QLD
  • Dedicated Employment Specialist appointed to you.
  • Professional recruitment advice and job matching provided to you.
  • Identify job vacancies with you and matching suitable candidates for you.
  • On-the-job or off-site support provided to your employees to settle into the job.
  • Tailored ongoing support for you and your employees to maintain their employment.
  • Continually meet and adapt to your needs.
  • Training information and awareness activities for you and your staff.
  • Maintaining privacy and confidentiality for you.
  • Assist you with your employee who has performance difficulty as a result of their disability.
  • Suggestions, feedback and complaints systems available to you.
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